Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reveal?

Reveal is an app for friends to share secrets, stories, and memories with each other.

How much does it cost?

Reveal is free to use, but you can upgrade to Reveal Plus to get unlimited shuffles, unlimited reveals, and exclusive features.

Why did you create Reveal?

We wanted to create an app to connect with our friends so we can build better relationships and deepen our bonds.

When is Reveal launching?

Reveal is launching in 2024.

When will it be available on Android?

We don’t have a release date at this time.

Is Reveal private?

Reveal cares intensely about user privacy. Account information is only used to run the app and help you connect with friends. Reveal will never sell or share personal information with third-parties, except as required by law or with our internal service providers. Read more in our Privacy Policy.

Is Reveal safe?

Reveal is designed to be a safe place for you and your friends. Users can only interact with people in their contacts and your friends’ friends.

How do I sign up?

Reveal is available on the App Store here.

How do I find my friends?

There are no friend requests on Reveal, so you find your friends when you’re sending a reveal to them. You’ll be able to see which of your contacts are already on Reveal, or invite your friends via text message or direct message on Instagram or Snapchat.

How do I unlock a reveal?

You unlock a reveal by sending a reveal to anyone, or by upgrading to Reveal Plus and using Instant Unlock.

How many free shuffles do I have?

You have 10 free shuffles each day, and you can get unlimited shuffles by upgrading to Reveal Plus.

How many free reveals do I have?

You have 2 free reveals each day, and you can get unlimited reveals by upgrading to Reveal Plus.

What is Reveal Plus?

Reveal Plus is a subscription that unlocks these features:

  • Unlimited Shuffles: skip questions without limits
  • Unlimited Reveals: send as many reveals as you want
  • Instant Unlock: unlock without revealing to anyone
How can I unsubscribe from Reveal Plus?

You can cancel your subscription at any time in your phone Settings app.

I can't find my friends. Help!

Usually this means your contacts have not synced. If you see an alert to enable contacts, tap it to enable. You can also open the Settings app on your phone › select Reveal › Enable Contacts.

How do I unblock someone?

Go to your Profile and tap edit profile. Then under Account Settings, tap manage account.

Why do I need a phone number and contacts?

Your phone number is used to log into your account and your contacts are used to find your friends. Your phone number or contacts are never shared with other users.

How do I delete my account?

Go to your Profile and tap Account Settings. In the Settings menu, scroll down and select “Delete Account.